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Welcome To Everlasting Ministries

Everlasting Ministries, Inc., established in 2018, is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization that exists to share the Good News with young ladies in North Georgia that God loves them with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3).

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Bible Study

Everlasting Ministries hosts a monthly Bible Study on the first Tuesday of the month in Northeast Georgia and the third Tuesday of the month in Northwest Georgia that is open to any young lady in 6th – 12th grade.

The Bible Study is held from 6:30 – 8:00pm and includes dinner, Worship, games and a Bible lesson.


Girls’ Conference

Everlasting Ministries hosts an annual Christian conference in Northeast and Northwest Georgia for girls in 6th – 12th grade that includes Bible Studies, Worship, games, crafts, bonfires, s’mores and many other fun activities. The annual conference is held during a weekend in the Spring.


What We Believe
